Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How the David Garcia Home Selling Team Saved Francisco from Financial Turmoil

“Oh it’s very hard to put into words in a good way. David and his team basically saved me from financial turmoil. I had a really bad mortgage with the previous home and I was basically financially bleeding out. If it wasn’t for him and his team I’d probably would’ve gone bankrupt by now. His knowledge was off the charts. He knew exactly what I needed to do, the time frame that I had didn’t faze him, he was very confident throughout the whole process that he put me through. I’m so thankful and I’m so grateful. I hope that he does for others what he has done for me. He was definitely God sent. David, even as a person and not just the business man that he is, he made it very very clear that he was there to help. He walked me through pretty much the whole process. Even though a lot of the terminology that was thrown at me of what was going on was jargon he took the time to explain everything to me. Of what was happening and what had to be done. I couldn’t be more thankful. I owe my financial survival to him”